Tracy is a master problem solver, community builder, teacher and coach. She is on a mission to train and develop women to become better leaders in the world.
Industry: Coaching
Services: Web Design, Graphic Design
Software: WordPress, Photoshop
After a number of years in corporate and doing her own ‘thing’ on the side, Tracy decided to branch out and use her hard-earned skills to empower women like her to tap into their own greatness and gifts.
At the time her website definitely fit the corporate world she had been in but didn’t fit with the new image she wanted to project and message she wanted to share. I was excited to be enlisted for the job!
Re-brands usually start from scratch, as this one did, which means new colors, fonts and imagery. I began working on some palette variations based on the audience she was looking to serve, the feeling she wanted to convey (and some digging into her Pinterest account!).
I think it’s important to note that neither the font or the colors were right on the first – or even the second – try. Design is a process and rarely is it ever ‘done’ on the first try. I make sure to share this with clients who’ve not worked with a designer before so they aren’t surprised or disappointed when the first round isn’t the final product. Though I’ve had designs come out right on the first try, after 15+ years I can tell you that’s rare!
The other piece that really stood out for me was the word ‘BRAVE’. She uses it in one of her book titles, her podcast and the statement at the top of her website is something she shared with me stating that was how she wanted her clients to feel.